"What kind of artist are you?"

This is the question that i frequently am asked when i talk about my work. I find it more than challenging to give my response. I‘m a painter that works from direct observation and photos…trying to capture what is before me with the most meaningful brush strokes. A confident brush stroke to me is much more exciting that an overthought one. More and more i’m drawn to very large canvas sizes …moving from representational work to abstraction. It’s been very seductive to get lost in the lusciousness of oil paint. Letting my hands move freely across the vast surfaces, watching the interactions of the beautiful colors. It’s an experiment each time I start a new piece…the uncertainty is what fuels the excitement.

Abstraction: What is True for You?

The Art Guild of Port Washington held “ Abstraction: What is True for You?” , a juried competition and exhibition. My painting “ Superficial Information” was awarded top prize . Keven Larkin , artist and President of B. J. Spoke Gallery was the judge for this show. Kevin is a very talented artist and teacher and his recognition of my work was a wonderful honor.

"Stan and his Clan" Stan Brodsky and his Students at the Bryant Library

Stan Brodsky is a hugely talented contemporary artist….but this show celebrates his journey as a generous teacher and mentor. A few members of this group have been together for 30 years. I feel fortunate to be included in this talented bunch . We meet once a month to share all things artful.

Casting Shadows Exhibition

I was so happy to have work accepted for the Casting Shadows exhibit at The Art Guild . Lana Ballot was the judge for this show and my piece “ Looking North” was awarded second place for its subtle use of beautiful color and its composition of light and darks.

Roslyn Village Gallery Exhibition

Thank you to gallery owner Marsha Tarlow for the opportunity to exhibit in her September show. This wonderful Long Island gallery is a gem for the community and Marsha is a huge supporter of local artists.

How it all Started

Following my talented daughter's lead, I started taking art classes. I have always loved art. My History of Art elective at the University of Michigan was one of the most thought provoking subjects in my black and white  pre med curriculum. I have been fortunate these last 12 years to learn from some very talented artists and teachers. Howard Rose is someone who has guided me from the very beginning... one of the reasons that I continue to explore and try new things each time I pick up a brush. Thank you Howard for helping me sharpen my visual IQ.  Painting is all about seeing....truly finding the extraordinary in front of us all. 

It's never too late to find your passion.... I'm a late bloomer and loving the path of exploration. Painting is my passion and when I paint there is no separation between myself and my work...